Harvey Granat


Prior to joining CSG Partners, Harvey Granat was President and Chief Executive Officer of Sterling/Carl Marks Capital, Inc. a small business investment company (SBIC) he founded in 1988. From 1975 to 1989, he was the President and CEO of Sussex Leasing Corp., an equipment leasing company. Earlier in his career, Harvey founded the Granite Equipment Leasing Corporation, an American Stock Exchange listed company, which he ran as a financial services provider for 16 years.

He has lent his extensive experience to leading industry organizations, as well as public and private corporate boards. Harvey is a Past Chairman of both the National Association of Small Business Investment Companies (NASBIC) and the Northeastern Regional Association of Small Business Investment Companies (NERASBIC). He also led the American Association of Equipment Lessors, the industry’s leading association.

Deeply committed to public service and education, Harvey has participated at the White House Conference on Small Business and chaired the Advisory Board of the School of Management at Syracuse University, his alma mater. 

Harvey Granat
1995 Entrepreneur of the Year (Ernst & Young)
Equipment Leasing
Marketing & Advertising
Financial Services
BA, Syracuse University